​create your own Professional Children’s Theatre

​create your own Professional Children’s Theatre

create your own Professional Children’s Theatre (by AT LEAST completing information on each item below). You will compile the information below on a two page brochure or flyer, (you would want to act as the owner and professional not as a student in this)

  • Name of your Theatre and why did you choose this name
  • Location and why did you choose this location?
  • Mission: (Think, are you entertainment focused or education focused)
  • Who is your target audience? (Are you trying to please a variety of youth ages from toddler to teenager?) Or are you just an early childhood theatre or are you just a young adult-adult theatre?
  • Considering your mission and target audience, list 4 of the shows you will produce for the 2019-2020 season? Indicate why you chose these six shows.
  • Who will you cast in your shows? Adults & Children, Just Children, or Just Adults? Why?
  • Do you offer summer camps/outreach programs/ and/or lessons? What are the costs? Are they affordable or is accessibility not a priority for your theatre?
  • How much do you charge for tickets?