A client diagnosed with psoriasis

A client diagnosed with psoriasis

21. A client diagnosed with psoriasis is treated with etanercept. The nurse knows the client understands the disease and treatment when the client makes which statement.

  1. “I will stop the medication when I no longer have any symptoms.”
  2. “I Can apply this medication will cure the psoriasis.”
  3. “I am so glad this medication will cure the psoriasis”.
  4. “I will take this medication until I come to the clinic again”

22. The Nurse cares for the 13 year old child diagnosed with vesicoureteral reflux secondary to strictures caused by repeated bladder infections. The child receives continuous low dose antibiotics. The nurse assesses the compliance of treatment. Which questions does the nurse ask the child?

(Select all that apply)

  1. “How much fluid do you drink each day”
  2. Are you active in any sports?”
  3. “how much sleep do you get at night?”
  4. “When do you take your medications”?
  5. “What foods do you like best and eat often?”
  6. “How often do you void during the day?