Common causative   organism of nongonococcal urethritis

Common causative   organism of nongonococcal urethritis


· Question 86


Which of the following is the most common causative   organism of nongonococcal urethritis?



Chlamydia     trachomatis



Ureaplasma     urealyticum



Mycoplasma     hominis



Trichonomas     vaginalis


· Question 87


Urine cultures should be obtained for which of the   following patients?


· Question 88


A 30 year old female patient presents to the clinic with   heat intolerance, tremors, nervousness, and weight loss inconsistent with   increased appetite. Which test would be most likely to confirm the suspected   diagnosis?


· Question 89


A patient has been diagnosed with   hypothyroidism and thyroid hormone replacement therapy is prescribed. How   long should the nurse practitioner wait before checking the patient’s TSH?

· Question 90


Potential causes of hypocalcemia include which of the   following?