Cystic disease of the liver

Cystic disease of the liver


Question 1

A 2-year-old male is diagnosed with Wilms tumor. Which of the following clinical conditions is often associated with this disease?

a. Cystic disease of the liver
b. Aniridia
c. Anemia
d. Hypothyroidism

Question 2

A nurse is preparing to teach about the loop of Henle. Which information should be included? The descending segment of the loop of Henle primarily allows for:

a. Sodium secretion
b. Potassium secretion
c. Hydrogen ion reabsorption
d. Water reabsorption

Question 3

A nurse is describing the trigone. Which information should be included? The trigone is defined as:

a. The orifice of the ureter
b. The inner area of the kidney