Diagnosis of open-angle glaucoma.

Diagnosis of open-angle glaucoma.

Question options:


a) The presence of increased intraocular pressure measured by tonometry is definitive for the diagnosis of open-angle glaucoma.

b) The clinician can definitively diagnosis open-angle glaucoma based on the subjective complaints of the patient.

c) Physical diagnosis relies on gonioscopic evaluation of the angle by an ophthalmologist.

d) Early diagnosis is essential in order to reverse any damage that has occurred to the optic nerve.

Question 4

Heart valve damage resulting from acute rheumatic fever is a long-term sequelae resulting from infection with which of the following pathogens?

Question options:

a) Coxsackievirus

b) Cytomegalovirus

c) Francisella tularensis

d) Group A streptococcus