Drug Policy: Race, History, and Moving Forward RooWriter Essay

Drug Policy: Race, History, and Moving Forward RooWriter Essay

RooWriter Essay Expectations & Instructions

MINIMAL ESSAY REQUIREMENTS See below for expanded details

  • ReadALLthe articles in your chosen Reading Packet. We will assume that you have done so.
  • YouMUSTwrite your essay in response to the prompt (question) assigned to you when you “Start Essay.”
  • YouMUSTcite within your essay from at least 3 of the 5-7 different URL sources in your chosen Reading Packet.
  • YouMUSTuse the Reading Packet sources to develop your argument.
  • YouMUSTcomplete the “Works Cited” box for all sources you use within your essay.
  • You may NOTuse or cite any sources outside of those in your Reading Packet.
  • YouMUSTfollow the directions “When writing your essay” that appear on the essay writing web page.
  • You will be writing an essay between 750-1,500 words in length. The “Works Cited” section is NOT included in this total.

Thestructureof your essay should include

  • Yourintroductionwith your central idea
  • Thebodyof your essay, which is the development, or the explanation of your ideas, with citations from the articles in your

Reading Packet

  • Citations from 3 or more articles in your Reading Packet as they relate to your position on the topic (you may support or

refute arguments presented by the Reading Packet authors, but you may not use or cite outside sources)

  • Explanations how the citations you include support your position, and
  • Aconclusionthat summarizes your argument, and returns to your central idea with new insight.