Eating Disorders

Eating Disorders

Eating disorders may be life-threatening; consequently, it is necessary to check their nutritional health. Maintaining a balanced diet and electrolyte balance is also crucial. The nurse must maintain track of the patient’s weight often if an eating problem has been identified (Hornberger et al., 2021). I may do this by increasing monitoring of teenagers during and after meals to avoid vomiting after eating. I would also establish time limitations for each meal that would assist set realistic expectations and foster a pleasant environment at mealtime as it would help minimize tension and worry. I would also educate their family on the adolescent’s eating issue. I will teach them to urge themselves to join in aiding teenagers with eating issues. I would teach the parent to be role models for their children and educate teens on the hazards of an eating problem. I would advise their parents to silence the TV at lunch.