Exercise 20: The Modern Movement in America

Exercise 20: The Modern Movement in America

Exercise 20: The Modern Movement in America

History of graphic design

  • Which graphic design element was dominated the Modern Movement in America?
  • What was the contribution of Jan Tschichold to Modern Movement in America?
  • What was the major work of William Addison Dwiggins? Please explain and insert his work as examples.
  • What was the contribution of William Addison Dwiggins to the graphic design field?
  • What was the major work of Lester Beall? Please explain and insert his work as examples.

Make the answer 3-4 sentences on your words.

book is :

  • Meggs, Philip B., and Alston W. Purvis. Meggs’ history of graphic design. John Wiley & Sons, 2016

this is the book on is web
