Failure of Homeland Security Paper

Failure of Homeland Security Paper

Research paper guidelines:

6 pages, does not include the title page and reference page.

Title page should include (Centered):

Topic title of your paper

Your full name

Course name and number: JUST XXX TITLE OF COURSE

Instructors full name: Professor Joe Smith

Date of completing assignment: 1 January 2017

Reference page per APA guidelines

No news or media to be used. If used, automatic zero for assignment.

Government, Scholarly and Academic sources only.

No text book should be used in researching of your topic.

Your topic of research should be to look at a specific failure of the US Intelligence Community (anything since 1940) as a whole or a specific agency of the US Intelligence Community. For a full list of intelligence agencies visit Present a history of the failure (brief), why you believe it is important to know about it in terms of protecting the homeland and provide specific points as to what led to the failure(s). Last part should present recommendations supported by sources of what the US Intelligence Community and Homeland Security (to include, local, state and federal law enforcement) can do to ensure there are no future failures.

You are to present a complete academic paper. This includes an introduction (with problem statement and thesis statement). Full body that has details supported by scholarly and academic sources. Last, you will include a conclusion paragraph