General impression and knowledge of airway management.

General impression and knowledge of airway management.

Your patient is a 35 year old male that was thrown from a motorcycle traveling at high speed. The volunteer fire department is attempting to package the patient as you arrive. They report that he has not opened his eyes and only moans when they move him. Answer the following questions based on your general impression and knowledge of airway management.

  1. At what time during your assessment would      assess the patient’s airway?
  2. How would you open the patient’s airway to      assess for patency?
  3. How would you administer supplemental oxygen      for this patient?  Be specific.
  4. What objective findings would suggest that a      more advanced airway adjunct was indicated?
  5. You ultimately decide to place a supraglottic      airway in your patient. How do you assess that the airway is in the      appropriate place and working effectively after insertion?