Glycogen storage in the liver.

Glycogen storage in the liver.

Question 1

In counseling a client regarding nutrition education, you explain that linoleic acid, a major fatty acid, is thought to be essential for:

a. glycogen storage in the liver.

b. normal growth and development.

c. myocardial cell function.

d. building and maintaining tissues.

Question 2

The term denoting the caregiver’s need to do no harm to the patient is:

a. Deontologic imperative

b. Nonmaleficence

c. Beneficence

d. Autonomy

e. Utilitarianism

Question 3

Before performing an abdominal examination, the examiner should:

a. ascertain the patient’s HIV status.

b. have the patient empty his or her bladder.

c. don double gloves.

d. completely disrobe the patient.