How to respond to a students response 1

How to respond to a students response 1

Building relationships in the workplace is a very critical aspect of the career world. It serves as a means of support, networking, and overall connections that can last a lifetime. Fellowship is a Christian principle that allows you to gain opportunities for joy, mutual comfort, unity, encouragement, and peace (Oliveri, 2013). I have developed two close relationships at my current job. One coworker has the same job title as me but at a different office. We are both office managers who frequently communicate to ensure everything at each office is the way that it should be and running correctly. Four attributes that we have in common are effective communication, accountability, honesty, and knowledge. Each of these attributes has shaped our relationship to a stable, trusting bond where we can come to one another with anything. We are both able to communicate to where we hear one another out and provide the best solutions for the situation. Not many people can own up to their mistakes at my job, but she and I can, causing us to drift closer. We are both honest, and that saves a lot of drama and mishaps between up. Lastly, we know our stuff. We catch on to all new tasks and systems quickly keeping us competitive in the company.

My other coworker who I share a close relationship with is my Nurse Practitioner (NP). Our offices are small, so generally, there is an office manager and one to two NPs in office. She and I work together the most. Our common attributes include trust, loyalty, understanding, and support. With all the negative aspects of our job that has been introduced this last year, these attributes have strengthened our bond ultimately. We trust one another to have each other’s back and always keep the other in the loop of things. We are loyal to one another in respects that we can tell each other mostly anything, and it stays between us. The understanding that we have for one another causes us to provide adequate support when the other may need it.


Oliveri, C. (2013, September 18). 18 Benefits of Christian Fellowship. Retrieved from…

120 words either agreeing disagreeing or relating to