Hyperglycemic nonketotic symdrome (HHNS).

Hyperglycemic nonketotic symdrome (HHNS).

A young adult male who has had type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM) is admitted to the intensive care unit with hyperglycemic nonketotic symdrome (HHNS). A sliding scale protocol for an isotonic IV solution with regular insulin is prescribed based on the results of a continuous blood glucose monitoring device that is attached to the clients central venous catheter. When the clients respirations become labored and his lungs sound indicate crackles what action should the nurse take?

e. collect a specimen for a white blood cell count and cultures

f. determine the clients glycosylated hemoglobin (A1C) (POSSIBLE ANSWER)

g. administer insulin IV push until the clients fluid volume is adjusted h. decrease infusion rate to address fluid overload