Nocturnal allergies

Nocturnal allergies

Question 37


A 16 year old male presents   with mild sore throat, fever, fatigue, posterior cervical adenopathy, and   palatine petechiae. Without a definitive diagnosis for this patient, what   drug would be least appropriate to prescribe?









· Question 38


A 70 year old man who walks 2   miles every day complains of pain in his left calf when he is walking. The   problem has gotten gradually worse and now he is unable to complete his 2   mile walk. What question asked during the history, if answered affirmatively,   would suggest a diagnosis of arteriosclerosis obliterans?


“Are you wearing your usual shoes?”

“Do you also have chest pain when you have leg pain?”

“Is your leg pain relieved by rest?”

“Do you ever have the same pain in the other leg?”

· Question 39


Which of the following   statements about malignant melanomas is true?


They usually occur in older adult males


The patient has no family history of melanoma


They are common in blacks


The prognosis is directly related to the thickness of the lesion

· Question 40


Sheila, age 78, presents with a   chief complaint of waking up during the night coughing. You examine her and   find an S3 heart sound, pulmonary crackles that do not clear with coughing,   and peripheral edema. What do you suspect?




Nocturnal allergies

Valvular disease

Heart failure

· Question 41


Which antibiotic would be the   most effective in treating community acquired pneumonia (CAP) in a young   adult without any comorbid conditions?



Clarithromycin (Biaxin)

Doxycycline (Vibramycin)
