Nursing education for the older adult regarding the use of herbal supplements

Nursing education for the older adult regarding the use of herbal supplements


Question 1

An older African-American client shares that they, “Don’t hear as well as they used to.” Responding based on evidence-based data, the nurse will:

Question 1 options:

Inquire as to whether the client has tinnitus.

Assess the client for middle ear fluid accumulation.

Ask whether the client has ever been diagnosed with otosclerosis.

Check the client’s ears for a cerumen impaction.

Question 2

The major focus regarding nursing education for the older adult regarding the use of herbal supplements is the:

Question 2 options:

High risk of herbal overdose since the manufacturing process lacks effective controls.

Likelihood that the client will substitute herbals for more expensive prescribed medications.

Expense of the herbal supplements since they are seldom covered by insurance.

Possibility of herbals interaction dangerously with the client’s prescribed medications.