Ophthalmic zoster

Ophthalmic zoster

· Question 51


A patient presents to the   primary care provider complaining of a rash on his right forehead that   started yesterday and is burning and painful. The physical exam reveals an   erythematous, maculopapular rash that extends over the patient’s right eye to   his upper right forehead. Based on the history and examination, the most   likely cause of this patient’s symptoms is:


Rhus dermatitis

Ophthalmic zoster


Optic neuritis

· Question 52


Before initiating an HMG   CoA-reductase inhibitor for hyperlipidemia, the nurse practitioner orders   liver function studies. The patient’s aminotransferase (ALT) is elevated.   What laboratory test(s) should be ordered?


Serologic markers for hepatitis

Serum bilirubin

Serum cholesterol with HDL and LDL

A liver biopsy

· Question 53


A patient with elevated lipids   has been started on lovastatin. After 3 weeks of therapy, he calls to report   generalized muscle aches. The nurse practitioner should suspect:


A drug interaction


Hepatic dysfunction

Hypersensitivity to lovastatin

