Oral decongestants

Oral decongestants

Question 90


The most common correlate(s)   with chronic bronchitis and emphysema is(are):


Familial and genetic factors

Cigarette smoking

Air pollution

Occupational environment

· Question 91


Which choice below is least   effective for alleviating symptoms of the common cold?




Oral decongestants


Topical decongestants



· Question 92


When teaching a patient with   hypertension about restricting sodium, you would include which of the   following instructions?


Diets with markedly reduced intakes of sodium may be associated with     other beneficial effects beyond blood pressure     control

Sodium restriction can cause serious adverse effects

A goal of 3 g of sodium chloride or 1.2 g of sodium per day is easily     achievable

Seventy-five of sodium intake is derived from processed foods

· Question 93


Which of the following heart   murmurs warrants the greatest concern?


Systolic murmur

Venous hum murmur

Diastolic murmur

Flow murmur

· Question 94


A patient presents with an   inflamed upper eyelid margin. The conjunctiva is red and there is particulate   matter along the upper eyelid. The patient complains of a sensation that   “there is something in my eye.” What is the diagnosis and how should it be   treated?


Hordeolum; treat with a topical antibiotic and warm compress

Conjunctivitis; treat with topical antibiotic and warm compresses

Blepharitis; treat with warm compresses and gentle debridement with a     cotton swab

Chalazion; refer to an ophthalmologist for incision and drainage