Patient with chronic atrophic gastritis

Patient with chronic atrophic gastritis

Question 1

A 46-year-old female with gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is experiencing increasing discomfort. Which patient statement indicates that additional teaching about GERD is needed?

“I take antacids between meals and at bedtime each night.”

“I sleep with the head of the bed elevated on 4-inch blocks.”

“I eat small meals during the day and have a bedtime snack.”

“I quit smoking several years ago, but I still chew a lot of gum.”

Question 2

A 50-year-old man vomiting blood-streaked fluid is admitted to the hospital with acute gastritis. To determine possible risk factors for gastritis, the nurse will ask the patient about

the amount of saturated fat in the diet.

any family history of gastric or colon cancer.

a history of a large recent weight gain or loss.

use of nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).

Question 3

The nurse determines that teaching regarding cobalamin injections has been effective when the patient with chronic atrophic gastritis states which of the following?

“The cobalamin injections will prevent gastric inflammation.”

“The cobalamin injections will prevent me from becoming anemic.”

“These injections will increase the hydrochloric acid in my stomach.”

“These injections will decrease my risk for developing stomach cancer.”

Question 4

The nurse will anticipate preparing a 71-year-old female patient who is vomiting “coffee-ground” emesis for



barium studies.

gastric analysis.