Phentermine and topiramate (Onexa).

 Phentermine and topiramate (Onexa).

Question 3: A patient is diagnosed with asthma. The primary care nurse practitioner (NP) prescribes an inhaled corticosteroid and an inhaled bronchodilator medication and provides education about how to use inhalers. At a follow-up visit 2 weeks later, the patient’s pulmonary function tests are worse. The NP should:

a. provide a detailed written asthma action plan for the patient.
b. ask the patient to describe how the medications have been used.
c. review the symptoms of an acute asthma exacerbation with the patient.
d. teach the patient to use the albuterol more often and order an oral steroid.

Question 4: A patient who will undergo surgery in implant a biosynthetic heart valve asks the primary care NP whether any medications will be necessary postoperatively. The NP should tell the patient that it will be necessary to take:

a. daily low-dose aspirin for 1 year.
b. heparin injections as needed based on activated partial thromboplastin time levels.
c. lifelong warfarin combined with enoxaparin as needed.
d. warfarin for 3 months postoperatively plus long-term aspirin.

Question 5: A patient has a BMI of 35, a fasting plasma glucose of 120 mg/dL, elevated triglycerides, and a history of myocardial infarction. The primary care NP plans to initiate dietary and lifestyle counseling and should consider prescribing:

a. ephedra.
b. orlistat (Xenical).
c. phentermine (Adipex-P).
d. phentermine and topiramate (Onexa).

Question 6: A patient who has severe arthritis and who takes nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) daily develops a duodenal ulcer. The patient has tried a cyclooxygenase-2 selective NSAID in the past and states that it is not as effective as the current NSAID. The primary care nurse practitioner (NP) should:

a. prescribe cimetidine (Tagamet).