Primary prevention

Primary prevention

Question 1

Primary prevention (Select all that apply)

a. provides health promotion and education to prevent health problems in children

b. includes teaching healthy lifestyles

c. immunizing children for school entry

d. is limited to children ages from 8 to 12 years old

Question 2

Tertiary prevention in the schools: (Select all that apply)

a. is the continued care of children who need long-term health care services, along with education within the community

b. making health referrals

c. performing urinary catheterizations, dressing changes, peripheral or central line intravenous catheter maintenance

d. teaching another person in the school how to care for the child in case the nurse is not in the building when the child needs help

Question 3

The measurement of incidence: (Select all that apply)

a. describes the severity of a disease in young adults

b. does not take into consideration a specified time as part of an incidence rate