Seborrheic dermatitis

Seborrheic dermatitis

Question 60


John, age 59, presents with   recurrent, sharply circumscribed red papules and plaques with a powdery white   scale on the extensor aspect of his elbows and knees. What do you suspect?


Actinic keratosis






Seborrheic dermatitis

· Question 61


Harriet, a 79-year-old woman,   comes to your office every 3 months for follow up on her hypertension. Her   medications include one baby aspirin daily, Lisinopril 5mg daily, and Calcium   1500 mg daily. At today’s visit. Her blood pressure is 17089. According to   JNC VIII guidelines, what should you do next to control Harriet’s blood   pressure?


Increase her Lisinopril to 20mg daily

Add a thiazide diuretic to the Lisinopril 5mg daily

Discontinue the Lisinopril and start a combination of ACE Inhibitor     and calcium channel blocker

Discontinue the Lisinopril and start a diuretic

· Question 62


An active 65-year-old man under   your care has known acquired valvular aortic stenosis and mitral   regurgitation. He also has a history of infectious endocarditis. He has   recently been told he needs elective replacement of his aortic valve. When he   comes into the office you discover that he has 10 remaining teeth in poor   repair. Your recommendation would be to:


defer any further dental work until his valve replacement is completed


instruct him to have dental     extraction done cautiously, having no more than 2 teeth per visit removed.


suggest he consult with his     oral surgeon about having all the teeth removed at once and receiving     appropriate antibiotic prophylaxis


coordinate with his cardiac and oral surgeons to have the tooth     extractions and valve replacement done at the same time to reduce the risk     of anesthetic complications.