Significant Physiological Changes

Significant Physiological Changes


Significant Physiological Changes Special Care Needs
Integumentary Loss of pigment; Thinning of epidermis; Easy bruising; Decreased skin turgor, elasticity, SQ fat; Increased nail thickness/decreased nail growth; Decreased perspiration; Dry, itching, scaly skin; Seborrheic dermatitis/keratosis formation


Neurological Slowed reflexes; Slight tremors/difficulty with fine motor movement; Loss of balance; Sleep pattern disturbances; Short term memory decline






Musculoskeletal Decreased muscle mass/strength; Decreased mobility/ROM/flexibility/

coordination/stability; Change of gait; Increased brittleness of bones; Kyphosis








Cardiovascular Diminished energy; Decreased cardiac output; Decreased resting heart rate; Diminished peripheral pulses; Increased blood pressure/susceptibility to postural hypotension; stiffening/thickening of valves and vessels







Respiratory Decreased respiratory function secondary to anatomical changes in respiratory muscles/alveoli; Increased rate respirations; Decreased depth respirations/oxygen intake; Decreased ability cough/expectorate













Decreased need for calories; Decreased appetite/thirst/oral intake; Decreased body weight; Digestive disturbances; Decreased absorption of CHO/proteins/fats/vitamins; Increased tendency constipation/dehydration; Dysphagia; teeth changes  
Endocrine Decreased secretion of hormones; Decreased metabolic rate; Decreased glucose tolerance/resistance to insulin




Renal Decreased kidney size/function/ability to concentrate urine; Decreased GFR; Decreased capacity of bladder; Increased residual urine/incontinence; Increased incidence UTI; Impaired medication excretion












Reproductive Decreased testosterone production/size of testes in males; Changes in prostate gland in males; Decreased secretion of female hormones/menopause; Vaginal changes in females; Sexual dysfunction both sexes (potential)



Special Senses Decreased visual acuity/accommodation/peripheral vision; Cataract formation; Decreased hearing; Inability to discern food tastes; Decreased sense of smell; Changes in touch sensation; Decreased pain awareness