Situational Low Self-Esteem related to body changes of childbirth.

Situational Low Self-Esteem related to body changes of childbirth.

3. The client is the single parent of the 2 week old baby, the firstborn child. The client had considered terminating the pregnancy but continued the pregnancy. There is little client family support. The client has a history of an editing disorder. The nurse knows which nursing diagnosis is most important for the client?

Risk for impaired attachment related to lack of knowledge of child care.
Situational Low Self-Esteem related to body changes of childbirth.
Risk for ineffective coping related to postpartum depression.
Disturbed sleep Pattern related to care of infant at night.
4.A nurse provides care for the newborn in the delivery area. The baby is breathing and crying well with good color. The nurse knows which priority is next?

Prevent cold stress.
Record Apgar.
Initiate physical assessment.
Begin bonding with parents.