Smoking Cessation Plan

Smoking Cessation Plan

The smoking cessation plan includes eight steps—step 1: Set a date to quit smoking. Be strategic, plan for it and pick a date with few temptations. Step 2: Identify your triggers and log them. Log the situations or things that cause you to smoke a cigarette; maybe it’s stress, going out, or boredom. Step 3: Overcome your triggers. Plan out activities or things you can do to replace your triggers. Step 4: Educate yourself about smoking addictions. Learn and become aware of the negative effect on your health and well-being. Step 5: Pick a quit smoking aid. If desired, there are medication, gums, patches, and much more to help quit. Step 6: Find a support group. Quitting smoking is complex and can be easier with a strong support team. Step 7: Get Prepared. Get rid of everything associated with smoking, like lighters and ashtrays, and get your replacement aids in hand—step 8: Start. Start your journey to a smokeless, healthier you. Never give up! If your relapse, pick up where you left off.