Story Of The Japanese American Internment In World War 2 Essay Help

Story Of The Japanese American Internment In World War 2 Essay Help

Who exactly was impacted by the internment decision? What precisely happened to them? Who made the decision to take action against them……….and how was the action managed? What happened to their property? Address briefly where they came to live…..and how they lived? Were any of those “detained” American citizens? What was the response of other Americans to the action taken? How long did they remain under government supervision? Did any of them fight the action taken against them in some way – what happened? Look up the case of KOREMATSU v. UNITED STATES. What was the decision of the United States Supreme Court? During the 1980s, the federal government decided to pay reparations for the action taken during WW 2. What was the reparations decision? Who benefitted and how? MOST IMPORTANTLY! Your opinion: was the action of the government justifiable for the time in which it occurred? Was the decision by President Roosevelt and the federal government morally appropriate – ethically acceptable – at the time it was made in 1942?