STU 1050155446 Naomi’s Interview: Turning Stumbling Blocks into Stepping Stones Case Study

STU 1050155446 Naomi’s Interview: Turning Stumbling Blocks into Stepping Stones Case Study

Chapter 12 questions

CASE STUDY: Naomi’s Interview: Turning Stumbling Blocks into Stepping Stones

1. How could Naomi have been better prepared for her first interview?

2. Why do you think Naomi was finally offered a second interview?

3. What decisions did Naomi have to make as she changed her career path?

Progress check questions-Practicing Answers to General Interview Questions

1. After practicing answers to general interview questions, do you feel better prepared and more confident in answering these questions on an interview? Explain why or why not.

2. Are there any answers that you modified from your original thinking after your discussions with others?

Progress check questions-Handling Interview Questions

1. What five interview questions do you think will present the greatest challenge for you? Explain why.

2. What five interview questions do you think you will handle best? Explain why.

Progress check questions-Improving Interview Performance

1. What are two or three major accomplishments you can describe during an interview?

2. Give two examples of a time when you performed well under pressure.

Refer to the checklist found on pages 254-255 for a list things to consider after an interview.

1. Discuss the difference between aggressive and arrogant behavior on a job interview. When, if ever, each is appropriate?

2. Discuss why some employers prefer to use behavioral based interviews and how a candidate should prepare for a behavioral based interview.

3. Do you think a candidate should apply again to a company if they are not offered a job the first time they apply? Explain why or why not.

4. What two questions seem to be the most important to consider and before accepting a job offer? Explain why.