Substance abuse among nurses and how impaired nursing impacts the healthcare field.

Substance abuse among nurses and how impaired nursing impacts the healthcare field.

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The topic I chose for this weeks PowerPoint is substance abuse among nurses and how impaired nursing impacts the healthcare field. This topic is important because substance abuse is a rising public health concern and nurses are not immune to this crisis. If anything nurses are more likely to fall into a pattern of substance abuse due to the environment they work in and the easy access to several kinds of drugs. In creating this PowerPoint and researching this topic I hope to shine some light on what happens when nurses are found to be working impaired or stealing drugs to feed an addiction they may have. There are rules set in place and safe guards to avoid the theft of drugs and nurses abusing substances especially while working in patient care.

Monroe, T. B., Kenaga, H., Dietrich, M. S., Carter, M. A., & Cowan, R. L. (2013). The prevalence of employed nurses identified or enrolled in substance use monitoring programs. Nursing research62(1), 10–15., T. B., Kenaga, H., Dietrich, M. S., Carter, M. A., & Cowan, R. L. (2013). The prevalence of employed nurses identified or enrolled in substance use monitoring programs. Nursing research62(1), 10–15.