Theophylline and a short acting bronchodilator

Theophylline and a short acting bronchodilator

Question 70


A 20 year old is diagnosed with   mild persistent asthma. What drug combination would be most effective in   keeping him symptom-free?


A long-acting bronchodilator


An inhaled corticosteroid and cromolyn

Theophylline and a short acting bronchodilator

A bronchodilator PRN and an inhaled corticosteroid

· Question 71


Acute rheumatic fever is an   inflammatory disease which can follow infection with:


Group A Streptococcus

Staphlococcus areus

Β-hemolytic Streptococcus

Streptococcus pyogenes

· Question 72


A 60 year old male diabetic   patient presents with redness, tenderness, and edema of the left lateral   aspect of his face. His left eyelid is grossly edematous. He reports history   of a toothache in the past week which “is better.” His temperature is 100°F and   pulse is 102 bpm. The most appropriate initial action is to:


Start an oral antibiotic, refer the patient to a dentist immediately,     and follow up within 3 days

Order mandibular x-rays and question the patient about physical abuse

Start an oral antibiotic, mouth swishes with an oral anti-infective,     and an analgesic

Initiate a parenteral antibiotic and consider hospital admission