Watch the film , Bridge of Spies , 2015, directed by Steven Spielberg.

Watch the film , Bridge of Spies , 2015, directed by Steven Spielberg.


Answers these questions in the order they are listed.

Make sure you give enough detail to show you watched the entire film (and did not copy from a film review or film summary.
Display that you understand the historic context and historic setting of the film..

  • What period of history is portrayed in the film? Be specific. (Give years, the decade or the name of the historic period)
  • Describe the historic events and cultural issues that are portrayed or mentioned in the film. Be thorough.
  • What is the interpretation or point of view on the events as portrayed in the film. Is there a point of view or perspective omitted in the film? Be sure to give specific examples from the film to back your generalizations.
  • What do you think is gained by watching a film to learn more of history? How did the film enhance your understanding of the Cold War past? In what way (ways). Give examples
  • What was new to you? Be thorough
  • Use different examples from the entire film to illustrate and explain your answers to each of the questions
  • Double space
  • No direct quotes longer than one sentence
  • Place all material in your own words. Copying any words from a source without citation and placing quotation marks around the words copied is plagiarism.
  • Do not place extra spaces between responses
  • Number the questions and answer them in the order they are listed.
    Do not repeat the question.
  • Place only your name on the paper
  • Post word length
    Minimum 700 words, maximum 1000