Access to Products for Consumers and Insurance Coverage Presentation

Access to Products for Consumers and Insurance Coverage Presentation

I just need someone to make this paragraph into one slide:

It is an important matter for all companies nowadays to guarantee an easy access to their products for the consumers. Especially if a company is new in the market, it must make a name for itself to be able to compete with large companies that has experience in their field. For that every group needed to create a code that would make shopping from SDC warehouse much easier than those others in their field of business. Every group member was assigned a supplier to make a total of four suppliers. The goal was to make a program that will decide if the weight, dimensions and insurance coverage are not exceeding the limits that are set. The program also should keep track if the items are out of stock and be able to cancel the orders whenever the user wants to. Unfortunately, the group was not able to work the driver code due to shortage of time.