Butterfly Thesis and Body Paragraphs Peer Review Essay

Butterfly Thesis and Body Paragraphs Peer Review Essay

After you add your post, your groupmates’ posts will become visible to you.

1) Create your post as directed below. Points will only be awarded to students who copy the questions and answer each of them for their classmates.
2) Respond to 2 other classmates with your reply, answering the questions below.
**Reminder: this forum is a group forum, so you are only discussing with 6-8 other students.

Your Post:
In your post, you should copy your:
1) PASSAGE: Copy the passage you are analyzing for this essay.
2) THESIS: In 1-2 sentences, explain what you are trying to prove in your paper. (This is the thesis of your essay.)
3) BODY PARAGRAPHS: Copy 2 of your body paragraphs. (Be sure to follow the writing guidelines outlined in the Course Resources section of the course site.)

Your Replies:
In your replies to your classmates
, you should respond EACH OF THE FOLLOWING questions about your classmates’ passages, thesis statements, and body paragraphs:

a) Is the passage an appropriate length for analyzing in one page?
b) Does the passage and the thesis seem aligned?

a) Does the thesis make an arguable claim (stating an idea and its significance?)
b) Explain one strength about the thesis.
c) Explain one aspect to be improved about the thesis. (Replies like, “Nothing needs improvement” are not acceptable. There is always something that can be improved.)

3) BODY PARAGRAPHS (complete for both body paragraphs)
Body Paragraph #1:

a) Does the paragraph have a clear topic sentence that tells you what the point of the paragraph is? Provide feedback.

b) Does the paragraph include an example in the form of a quotation?

Has the writer introduced and integrated the quotation well? Provide feedback.

c) Does the paragraph contain an analysis which explains their point presented in the topic sentence? Provide feedback.

d) Explain one strength about the body paragraph.

e) Explain one aspect to be improved about the body paragraph. (Replies like, “Nothing needs improvement” are not acceptable. There is always something that can be improved.)

f) Overall, does the body paragraph support the thesis statement?

Body Paragraph #2:

a) Does the paragraph have a clear topic sentence that tells you what the point of the paragraph is? Provide feedback.

b) Does the paragraph include an example in the form of a quotation?

Has the writer introduced and integrated the quotation well? Provide feedback.

c) Does the paragraph contain an analysis which explains their point presented in the topic sentence? Provide feedback.

d) Explain one strength about the body paragraph.

e) Explain one aspect to be improved about the body paragraph. (Replies like, “Nothing needs improvement” are not acceptable. There is always something that can be improved.)

f) Overall, does the body paragraph support the thesis statement?