Christopher Columbus Thesis worksheet

Christopher Columbus Thesis worksheet

ill attache the files on here, the thesis worksheet that has to be answered, and the biography paper where i posted the question, il also post the question here.

The research questions historians are trying to answer and continue to argue about concerning Christopher Columbus revolve around his birthplace, if he was the one who discovered ocean routes to the west, if he was a villain or a hero, and if he was the one who led to the colonization of natives in America. In the first place, no documentation is available of Columbus depicting him was a Spaniard. Reason for the question is based on information given about his place of birth which is never clear. It changes from Genoa to the remote country of Jerusalem. He is also doubted as the initial discoverer and drawer of trade routes from Europe to West Africa, America, China and India. Based on information gathered about his travels when he was a merchant, he followed the information given by other merchants he came across during the time. He got maps that allowed him to use the routes successfully and to avoid pirates. Also, Delaney depicts that through his merchant days he interacted with Jews who were also famous for travel through ships by the time. It was during this time he got the exposure to the already discovered routes he convinced Spain and parts of Europe of knowing. On his expedition and based on his letters, it highlights how brutal Columbus is to the natives. To the ones he wrote the letters to, he is seen as a hero. It leaves the question, despite the praise he got; could it be possible he was a brutal conqueror and explorer who only care of enriching himself and the king and queen of Spain? Under this notion and accounts given by Schuman, Barry, and Hannah, it is possible he did everything possible to plunder and kill people and claim that he is entirely got from trade. He reported to Spain through letters and from these letters colonization may have started. From what is coauthored by Findlay and Mats, the information he gave talked of how the natives were naïve and easy to control. It is based on such use of encouraging language that led colonization to happen. From this encouragement as described by WGBH, he also brought about spreading of various diseases since he interacted with multiple natives and went back to Europe.Without having any form of protection from these diseases he led to the spread of some disease in Africa, Asia, and America from Europe.