Cloud Delivery Model Paper

Cloud Delivery Model Paper

Write one paragraph (minimum of 5 sentences) for each Cloud Delivery Model on the list.

AaaS-Architecture as a Service; BaaS-Business as a Service; CaaS-Computing as a Service; DaaS-Data as a Service

DBaaS-Database as a Service; EaaS-Ethernet as a Service; FaaS-Frameworks as a Service; GaaS-Globalization / Governance as a Service ;HaaS-Hardware as a Service; IMaaS-Informaton as a Service; IaaS-Infrastructure as a Service; IDaaS-Identity as a Service; Laa-Lending as a Service; MaaS-Mashups as a Service; OaaS-Organization as a Service; PaaS-Platform as a Service; ; SaaS-Software as a Service; TaaS-Technology as a Service; VaaS-Voice as a Service.

Note: APA Format, must be in own words and unique.