Create a PHP page that takes values from Query string?, programming homework help

Create a PHP page that takes values from Query string?, programming homework help

Create a page that takes 4 values from the query string. The names for these values should be name, test1, test2 and test3. Your page should use php to read these 3 values and calculate the average of three test variables. Your php page should create a page that gives the person their name (from the name value in the query string), list (either ordered or unorded) of the 3 test values and their test average. It should then tell the person their grade for the class (based on a 90,80,70,60 grading scale. You should use paragraph tags to display the name and their test average. You should use a header to display their grade.


  • For an additional challenge, make your script work for any number test scores (i.e. the query string could have a variable number of test scores in it.