Current Event #2—Porter’s Five Forces

Current Event #2—Porter’s Five Forces

Twice this term you will be asked to complete a current event analysis. Choose two different articles on which to provide analysis and reflection. You must select articles that were featured in the print edition of The Wall Street Journal or The Economist (e.g. blogs on that website are not acceptable). Only articles from the print editions are acceptable for this assignment. Analysis should take AT LEAST 4 pages, 12-point Times New Roman font, 1 inch margins, double-spaced. Also, scan/photocopy the printed article and include this on the last page (as proof of print edition, not necessarily for professor to read).

Current Event #2—Porter’s Five Forces

Select an article about an industry, then analyze that industry using Porter’s Five Forces.

FYI, assessment of your answers on this assignment is a requirement of the State of Florida. The purpose of this assignment is to ensure that each student has acquired sufficient critical thinking, technical, and written communication skills by the end of their college career