Data-Driven Instruction – Improvement Needed Discussion

Data-Driven Instruction – Improvement Needed Discussion

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This week’s presentation focused on a middle school principal, Jeff Hunt, and how the use of data-driven instruction helped his campus grow from an “improvement needed” classroom to “a school of excellence”. Hunt cited data analysis as being a “key piece of the process” and helping his teachers “embrace the standards” when planning instruction. (Video, 2010) Due to this planning, Hunt also remarked that “planning against the standards” was able to help his school focus on what the students were learning or in need of remediation for as well. This concept resonates with me the most, because I already use data to plan instruction in my classroom at the district I work at, and I have seen student growth as a result. Research supports my experience. For example, one report details how assessment data can, in fact, improve instruction. (Shellard, 2005) The article also suggests ways in which an administrator could effectively monitor student growth. One suggestion was that “assessment needs to be done frequently to be effective in determining the pace of instruction, need for remediation, and readiness for introduction of new material.” (Shellard, 2005) I would use the suggested techniques in my own practice, such as forming a faculty group to create mini-assessments of the 12 most important standards that would be given over the year. Although some may consider this “teaching to the test”, I feel it is a valuable and critical part of planning instruction for the 21st century standards we are bound to teach by.


Hunt, J. (2010, March 9). Jeff Hunt-Principal, North Forsyth Middle School [Video file].

Shellard, E. (2005, February). How assessment data can improve instruction. Retrieved April 4, 2019, from