Diet Blueberry Pepsi Survey Sampling Discussion

Diet Blueberry Pepsi Survey Sampling Discussion

Considering the survey you created in the previous module for your new product concept (and its target audience), briefly outline your sampling plan by addressing the following in your initial post:

  • What is the target population for your sampling plan?
  • What is the sampling frame for your sample plan? That is, what are the elements from which your sample is being drawn?
  • What are the sampling units (primary, secondary, tertiary) subject to selection in your sample plan?

In responding to your peers, compare your responses to theirs. What did they discuss that you perhaps had not considered? Offer your peers your unique insight on this topic based on what you believe are important elements of a successful sampling plan.

Here is the survey:

I will post two comments from my peers for you to respond to as well:

Hello Everyone. I’m not gonna lie, this class is really stretching my brain! Just when I thought it was safe to put statistics out of my mind. LOL I really am enjoying it though. At any rate, below is my Sampling Plan for the Ford NG. I look forward to your feedback and I really do enjoy the collaboration.



  • What is the target population for your sampling plan?

For our sampling plan we first set out to define the population that we intend to reach. Included are the following:

1) The Baby Boomer Generation (ages 55-73)

2) The Empty Nesters (Average age of 48 to 50)

3) The Young Upward Mobile generation (a.k.a. “millennials”, age 23-38) new to their careers but interested in a work life balance with time to get out and discover the world near and far.

Our market segmentation will include, as shown above, demographic clusters by age grouping. It will also potentially later include psychographic, which will be lifestyle segmentation based on each of the three categories, as well as geographic based on the following information that I’ve shared previously.

In the September, 2018 article, Top U.S. Cities to Test Market a National Product, author Christopher Pilny shares,.

“For consumer marketers, it is a standard practice to test a product in a market area that serves as a microcosm of the type of audience you will be targeting when you scale the product nationally. In theory, that enables the marketer to see if the product and approach to marketing it works without going to the expense of introducing the product nationally. So, the theory goes, if you have a consumer product intended for a national market one day, test it first in a market that is a microcosm of the nation as a whole” (Pilney 2018).

The article shares the top 25 cities that best represent the country as a whole with Nashville, TN being at the top of the list. For this reason, we will implement the strategies mentioned above in Nashville to obtain a sampling of consumer response to the Ford NG hybrid vehicle.

  • What is the sampling frame for your sample plan? That is, what are the elements from which your sample is being drawn? What are the sampling units (primary, secondary, tertiary) subject to selection in your sample plan?

Our sampling frame will consist of both probability and non-probability primary sampling and will include the sample units as laid out here:

Probability Sampling Unit/Element

  • Simple random sampling via “blind” surveys (Ford brand not identified) of 2,000 Nashville TN residents
  • Stratified sampling via “blind” surveys (Ford brand not identified) of 2,000 Nashville TN residents in each age group that meet the age criteria of the three selected age demographics (A method to determine that duplication of respondents with the simple random sampling does not take place will be implemented)

Non-Probability Sampling Unit/Element

  • Convenience – Sampling of 2,000 past purchasers within our existing Ford marketing database that meet the age criteria of the three selected age demographics.
  • Convenience – Sharing a link to the online survey through our existing Ford social media channels to solicit survey participation from online social followers. (Upon 2,000 surveys having been completed, the survey will be removed)

Once all surveys have been completed and data compiled, we will analyze the results to determine each element cluster’s scores. In doing so, we can assess the deviation, if any, between our probability and non-probability sampling units. This will help us to better determine the reliability and validity of our marketing research study. As mentioned above, we may later elect to further segment our sampling unit clusters into secondary sampling units that include psychographic market information, which will reflect lifestyle attitudes and interests. This can provide further insights into our marketing plan for the Ford NG.


Pilney, C. (2018, September 08). Top U.S. Cities to Test Market a National Product. Retrieved March 26, 2019, from

The second comment :

Hello Classmates,

  • What is the target population for your sampling plan?

The target population for my sampling plan is those that like to drink energy drinks, those between the ages of 18 and 35, and college students and working adults. I have chosen them because this target market because I feel this target is more likely to drink, purchase, and even comment on it in the social media post.

  • What is the sampling frame for your sample plan? That is, what are the elements from which your sample is being drawn?

The sampling frame I am looking for is anyone who likes to drink energy drinks but is looking to cut down on their sugar intake; those that take a close look at what they consume from a health and social standpoint. Would they be interested in trying an energy drink with less sugar and using all-natural ingredients? I want this sample to see that you can still get energy but with less process sugar.

  • What are the sampling units (primary, secondary, tertiary) subject to selection in your sample plan?

The primary sampling units of my selection plan would be those who go to the store and buy energy drinks. The secondary sampling plan would be for those who purchases PepsiCo’s energy drinks and to send samples to them the new energy drink. The tertiary would be looking at those who previously bought tried different energy drinks and comparing it to the new energy drinks.