ETHC445 DeVry Ethical Issues in United Airlines Bloodied Passenger Case Study

ETHC445 DeVry Ethical Issues in United Airlines Bloodied Passenger Case Study

There are two major components of this assignment:

First, select an organization which has dealt with significant ethical issues recently. Examples are listed below. This will be the foundation for your case study. To help complete your case study, you will need to conduct research on your selected organization and consider the ethical issues involved with this case. Be prepared to describe the ethical issues involved, furnish specific examples and evidence, and utilize the ethical concepts from the course to analyze the issue by following the outline provided.

Second, you will develop you own personal ethical philosophy to support your analysis of your selected case. As part of designing your ethical philosophy, you will need to include specific and clear details and guidelines that will guide ethical choices. You will use these guidelines to help illustrate how your philosophy relates to this organization’s ethical issue and what you would do as a result and why.

This will be an APA paper that use and cites course material (textbook and the lessons) and includes at least three additional scholarly sources.

The paper will must include the following sections:

A voicethread summary will be created and submitted to the Week 8 discussion on Sunday or Monday or Week 8. The team will submit the paper to the Week 7 submission box.

Organizations with recent ethical issues examples:

-United Drags a Bloodied Passenger Off a Flight

-21st Century Fox and Bill O’Reilly

-Alphabet or Facebook and the impact on the election of 2016.

-Uber’s culture of sexual harassment and Uber’s alleged use of a software dubbed “Greyball” to avoid regulators in geographic regions where it was operating illegally

-Harvey Weinstein’s Multiple Sexual Assault Accusations

-Equifax’s Data Breaches

-Samsung’s Bribery Charges

-Kobe Steel, Mitsubishi Materials, and Japan’s Corporate Governance Issues

-Wells Fargo’s Fake Accounts

-Apple’s Slowed Down iPhones

-Ohio State University’s head coach Urban Meyer and alleged domestic abuse by a fired coach.

-Mylan’s Epipen Price Gouging

-Samsung Battery Recall

-The Panama Papers

– Wikileaks and the Democratic National Party

Criteria Points
Purpose This paper must have a clear purpose that begins with a solid introduction/thesis, and compels the reader forward. 50
Support/Development The analysis shows depth of critical thought. Readings, collaborations, and course materials are leveraged powerfully in support of writer’s evident effort to understand ethical problems. Good uses of theoretical underpinnings are used. Writer plumbs the depth of the ethical dilemmas with evident granular detail. Team input and course materials are leveraged powerfully and with reflective detail. Course material is clearly referenced and cited. 50
Ethical Analysis Applies in detail ethical analysis from the philosophers and one of the ethical dilemma models is applied in detail. 50
Grammar, Mechanics Style Grammar refers to correct Standard American Usage, e.g., subject/verb agreement and use of correct parts of speech. Mechanics refers to correct idiomatic usage, e.g., capitalized proper nouns, word choice, and word order. Style refers to dynamic writing, avoiding passive constructions, writing that shows, describes, and compels the reader’s interest 25
Presentation: Slides Quality in terms of substance, form, grammar and context. Is entertaining! Uses excellent visual material and backgrounds! Include citations on the slides and a reference slide with your sources. Use APA style citations and references. 15
Presentation: Oral Narration Narration is easy to follow and flows rationally. 10