Final PROJECT research paper of study about Russia

Final PROJECT research paper of study about Russia

RUS 375
“From Gorbachev to Putin: Contemporary Russian Culture” Prof. Olga Mesropova
Final Paper guidelines

For your final paper, please select one of the topics below and write a 5-7 page research paper. Note that I am not looking for a 5-page description of an event or a particular issue. A higher grade will be given to a paper that places this specific issue within broader contexts of Russian culture and society that you learned in this class or that you researched independently on your own. In other words, a successful paper will not only show that you have conducted a detailed research of the specific issue from the list below, but will also demonstrate a solid mastery of a range of issues from various parts of this course. Your paper must cite and incorporate at least 3 reputable sources (please note that wikipedia articles do not constitute an acceptable source). Please consult the list of sources on p. 2 of this document for suggestions of sources you could use.

details down below: