finished parts of a group project need edit and add more words

finished parts of a group project need edit and add more words

this is a parts of a group project of a class called information and system, this course talked about how datas help business. we have a business simulation games in class as a group and after we play the game together we needs to write a report. i already finish mine part, but my grammar sucks and i need fill more words too

my parts’s questions

How did the operational reports in the ERP SAP system aid in decision making for your team?

If your company achieved a competitive advantage through the use of operational and informational reports, explain how. If it didn’t, explain why not. In retrospect, how could your company have used this information more effectively?

How did the dashboard help your team? Did it help you make better decisions? If so, how? If not, why?

i will upload my team member’s parts for better understanding, mine parts that need to edit and fill up more words is call 3511erpsimword