Food And Beverage Management Craft Beers Comparison Assignment Help

Food And Beverage Management Craft Beers Comparison Assignment Help

Assignment Details

Create a menu for a hypothetical Tasting Party. Choose 2 different crafts beers, 2 varieties of wine, and 2 choices of spirits that will pair perfectly with your food choices for each individual beverage. Discuss each paired food and beverage tasting, and explain why you chose each pairing. Discuss how each pairing compliments that palate and which ingredients bring out the taste of both the beverage and the food.

A tasting menu does not need to focus on food alone. Instead of putting all of your energy into edible fare, pair carefully crafted flights of beer, wine, or spirits with simple food options that complement each other.

Your assignment should be between 600–800 words, double-spaced, in 12-pt. Times New Roman font, with 1-inch margins. There should be limited spelling and grammatical errors.

You must incorporate at least 1 outside resource with proper APA citations. Please cite your resources for information used for this assignment.