ISSC452 CTC Advantages and Disadvantages of Biometrics Discussion

ISSC452 CTC Advantages and Disadvantages of Biometrics Discussion


I need two responses of at least 150 words each for the below students discussions for this week. Also in the bold below are the questions the students at answering.

1. Not all security experts agree about the value of biometrics. What are the advantages and disadvantages of biometrics?

2. What concerns should privacy advocates have about biometrics? Do you agree or disagree with the concerns? Please explain.

Student one:


The advantages of using biometrics are many. (Shoemaker, Carma Haley, 2019) There’s no truer way of authentication. Everyone alive has unique biometric features that can be used, such as fingerprints and retina. It would be difficult, to near impossible to replicate a fingerprint, retina scan, or any other form of biometric authentication. It’s also very convenient. There’s no password to remember or in a lot of cases to forget, just a scan that takes a couple of seconds. Biometrics can be used as a part of 2 factor authentication, it adds that extra level of security.

Disadvantages would include, what some feel is an invasion of privacy. (PistolStar PortalGuard, 2015) Another drawback might be the cost, as it can be expensive, and then there’s the time spent setting up the equipment and to have each employee fingerprinted. Some companies are not willing to go through that process just yet. There’s also a concern that an injury, such as to your finger or eye, would then cause you to lose access to whatever it is that requires a scan.

Elaborating more on the privacy concerns that some people have, I’ll say that I can understand that. I’m a very private person. I don’t think the process should be forced on anyone. From what I have read and heard, that’s far from what’s been happening in the U.S. Other countries are way ahead in the implementation of biometrics for security. In this day and time it does make sense though, to use biometrics for authentication. Again, the convenience and the level of security that it offers are important factors.



PistolStar PortalGuard (2015) The Pros and Cons of Biometric Authentication, retrieved from

Shoemaker,Carma Haley, (2019) Pros and Cons of Biometrics for Security, retrieved from

Student two:

Hello everybody, hope you are all doing well.

1. Not all security experts agree about the value of biometrics. What are the advantages and disadvantages of biometrics?
One of the advantages of biometrics is increased security. A biometric identifier is something that is a part of you. It can be a fingerprint, an iris, your voice, your face, how you walk, pressure you apply when you sign your name, or even your palm. Some of these identifiers can change such as facial recognition as you age or if you gain or loose a lot of weight. Your voice can change if you are sick or you have a trauma to your neck or throat. You could loose a finger or an eye (that would be very unfortunate). In general it is a stable identifier that is uniquely yours. Biometric identification systems are becoming more common and cost effective and are increasingly easier to use.

Some of the drawbacks are that the environment can have a significant effect on biometric systems. This may be especially true of facial recognition systems or finger and palm systems that are outside of doors without adequate protection. False positives and negatives are possible but rare. Changes in the body or illness can change appearance of speech patterns. It also requires special equipment in order to use biometrics.

2. What concerns should privacy advocates have about biometrics? Do you agree or disagree with the concerns? Please explain.

Like all data that is stored on any system biometric data that is stored can be hacked. Users may not use adequate passwords because they feel like their identifier is going to keep them safe. The biometric data that is in storage is not going to change so if it is stolen you cant’t just change it like a number or password. It is also possible that a savvy hacker could lift one of your fingerprints or use a really good photo of your face and possibly gain access to your information. I do agree that biometric data if compromised causes a unique set of issues that are very troubling. I think that like anything else if you take precautions and continue to use more than one layer of security such as secure complex passwords along with a biometric identifier it is as safe or safer than anything else and should not be a focus of privacy advocates.

