Literature Journal 4

Literature Journal 4


Reading Journal

Step 1 Read Love Medicine

Please read pages 259 – 297, “Resurrection” and “The Good Tears”.

Step 2 Write Annotations

While reading the assigned pages, please write notes either in the book or in a reading journal. You will use these notes later in the course.

Step 3 Write your 1 page journal entry

Answer ONE of the following questions in your journal entry:

Please use at least two direct quotes from the current reading assignment to support your ideas.

Talk about Lulu and what she means to the novel and this part of the book.

Talk about Marie and what she means to the novel and this part of the book.

Talk about Lyman and what he means to the novel and this part of the book.

Talk about Nector and what he means to the novel and this part of the book.

Talk about Gordie and what he means to the novel and this part of the book.

Please use direct quotes to support your ideas and thoughts on the questions presented.

Step 4 Save and submit your assignment.

When you have completed your assignment save a copy for yourself in an easily accessible place and submit a copy to your instructor using the dropbox.

Submitting Your Assignment