Museum of Fine Arts Houston Visit Essay

Museum of Fine Arts Houston Visit Essay

Your essay is 700 words on more, 12 point font, double-spaced.

“Museum Visit Essay.” For your essay, cover the following:

-What was your favorite, or most positive part, about MFAH (buildings, people, etc., not counting —–>( you can talk about the building and the structure of the MFAH) Museum Fine Arts Houston.

the art); what did you like, what did MFAH do well?(( you can come up with ideas of what did u like when u visit a museum)))

-What was most intimidating, hard to understand, or off-putting about MFAH? (anything that u might find hard to understand from a museum u have attended)

-What was your favorite artwork or artworks? Why?

1.The Elder Sister | The Museum of Fine Arts, Houston

2.Portrait Of Paul Hugot By Gustave Caillebotte

.3 Moulin Rouge Art by Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec

-What artwork or art areas (galleries) did you like the least? Can you tell me why?

Michel Dorigny – Hagar and the Angel

Man with Hand Plow | The Museum of Fine Arts, Houston

-What did we do in class that made a difference in your visit? Any “Ah-ha” moments from ( Make up any moments )

-something you saw at MFAH that connected with something from class?

-How would you describe MFAH to a friend to get them to go visit?