Presentation/ Disscusion Board

Presentation/ Disscusion Board

You will present a text of your choice and comment on its literary value, its literary merits, its historical consequence, or on any particular element which you find interesting and noteworthy for literary analysis. The text does not have to be “Literary” by any stereotypical frame of mind. So, it doesn’t have to be a book of classical literature. It could be a comic book, children’s book, or even a movie, insofar as you present its text as a worthy object of literary analysis. You must pick your own topic and your own thesis. As with any essay, a presentation is essentially a delivery of an idea supported and marshaled by details and information. Think of the many topics we discussed in class: politics, society, philosophy, race, sex, gender, literary history and more. Use them to come up with a comment (your thesis) about your text and prepare a presentation that expounds that commentary. So, if you like 1984 by Orwell, you can talk about how that book was influenced by Stalinism. Or if you like The Hunger Games or Star Wars you can talk about how much they were influenced by Roman history and/or fascism. Feel free to use any media or none at all. I recommend, however, if you use none, that your verbal skills and delivery be up to par. An essential component of any presentation is the aesthetic, so if your presentation doesn’t sound right or look right where it’s pertinent, it becomes a lesser presentation.

Purpose: The thesis or central idea is easy to identify and relevant to the intended audience. There is clear purpose to the presentation: it is clear that the presentation seeks to persuade.

Focus: The topic is interesting and focused. The presentation provides well-supported conclusions.

Text/Image: Examples, descriptions, explanations, quotations are appropriate. Images (if applicable) are appropriate. Each element contributes to persuasive purpose of presentation.

Arrangement: Presenter uses transitional devices well. There is a clear hierarchy to the presentation and an establishment of proper context for the audience.

Polish: Composition is relatively free of grammatical, technical, typographic, and spelling errors. The delivery is excellent and detail-oriented. Sources are respected and cited where appropriate.