Probation Officer Writing Strategies for Criminal Justice Profiling Paper

Probation Officer Writing Strategies for Criminal Justice Profiling Paper

No Plagiarism please. Please be thorough answering all highlights below. DO NOT put questions in the paper. This is to be a clean formatted paper. hit distinguished in the scoring guide. I have includes the transcript of the media piece below. Be sure to include scholarly references.

Paper should be on a probation officer’s writing.

For this assignment, you will revisit the characters from the media piece, Careers in Criminal Justice, from this unit’s Studies, to begin to understand how writing in the criminal justice workplace works. View the media piece once again, paying careful attention to the variety of careers in criminal justice. Select a character whose career interests you and that you believe you might be interested in pursuing after you complete your degree.

(Transcript of Media piece:)

Interview of Luis Alvarez, Probation Officer

How do you feel a probation officer contributes to the criminal justice system in Riverbend City?

Whether someone gets probation or is sentenced to prison is up to the judge. Probation is an alternative for offenders who present a low risk to society. Because of prison overcrowding, we’re seeing judges use probation more now as an alternative to jail or prison. And a larger number of offenders are being placed under supervision. Big picture? You can’t lock everyone up for every crime. Probation is an important alternative to prison. Probation officers help offenders transition to a better life in the hope of preventing them from falling back into crime. We help them get treatment, find jobs, and become contributing members of society.

What do you like most about your job?

My job is rewarding, because I help folks on the wrong side of the law transform their lives. At the end of the day, I have a sense of having actually achieved something.

What’s most challenging?

With judges using probation more to alleviate prison overcrowding, we have more and more people under our supervision, with limited resources. My caseload is heavy, and irregular work hours can be hard on my family life.

What’s a typical day at work like?

I meet with probationers, attend probation hearings, and document their progress or violations. Sometimes I attend counseling sessions or meet with their employers.

What advice would you give to someone choosing this career?

These are people convicted of serious crimes in a lot of cases, so take your training seriously. There’s an inherent element of danger in this job. Occasionally, you may be threatened if an offender thinks you might report illegal activity. Be friendly, but don’t make friends with offenders.

What’s the number one skill required for this job?

Your ability to build a strong and positive working relationship with offenders. It’s not just about dictating rules, it’s about engaging offenders and getting them to buy into the need to change. It’s about finding ways to motivate people.

(Transcript End)

Conduct some research online to determine what kind of writing this type of career includes. You should run specific searches for the types of writing you want to find. General terms, such as criminal justice writing will not help you locate specific examples, so use specific terms such as the following:

  • Brief.
  • Probation Officer Report Writing.
  • Crime analysis.
  • Police report.
  • Defense attorney brief example.
  • Police chief writing examples.
  • Crime analysis reports.
  • Writing police dispatches.

While researching, consider the following questions:

  • What would you write on a regular basis if you were doing this job?
  • What are the features of this type of writing?
  • How often would you write, and who would be the audience for the documents?
  • What purposes would the documents fulfill?

Draft a short paper (2–3 pages), and complete the following tasks:

  • Explain the different types of writing criminal justice professionals do regularly in the field. Consider the writing professionals must do to accommodate for the variety of audiences and purposes for which they write. In your explanation include at what intervals they are likely to write those documents, to whom and for whom, as well as the pressures they face while writing them such as deadlines.
  • Explain the different situations that require effective workplace communication in the criminal justice field. Consider the rhetorical situation: audiences, purposes, and external pressures faced while writing, and so forth.

In addition, complete the following requirements:

  • Apply writing skills in creating a document that satisfies the intended writing goals.
  • Proofread and polish your documents.
  • Communicate in a manner that is consistent with the standards and expectations of criminal justice professionals.

Be sure to use a formal APA formatted document cover page for this assignment. The APA formatted cover page should include the following elements:

  • Your name.
  • The document title.
  • The course name, number, and section.
  • The date.
  • Your instructor’s name (and typically an indication that the document has been prepared for the instructor and the course).
  • Your contact information (some learners choose to simply put their Capella e-mail address on the cover).
  • An appropriate running head (the start of the running header for the document).

Please Read Scoring Guide:

Criteria Non-performance Basic Proficient Distinguished
Explain the different types of writing criminal justice professionals do regularly in the field.
Does not identify the different types of writing criminal justice professionals do regularly in the field. Identifies but does not explain thoroughly the different types of writing criminal justice professionals do regularly in the field. Explains the different types of writing criminal justice professionals do regularly in the field. Explains the different types of writing criminal justice professionals do regularly in the field and describes how the different types of writing done in the field may directly impact one’s professional career.
Explain the different situations that require effective workplace communication in the criminal justice field.
Does not identify the different situations that require effective workplace communication in the criminal justice field. Identifies but does not explain thoroughly the different situations that require effective workplace communication in the criminal justice field. Explains the different situations that require effective workplace communication in the criminal justice field. Explains the different situations that require effective workplace communication in the criminal justice field and describes how each situation may require a different communication style.
Apply writing skills in creating a document that satisfies the intended writing goals.
Does not apply writing skills in creating a document that satisfies the intended writing goals. Applies writing skills in creating a document that satisfies the intended writing goals but important writing skills are missing. Applies writing skills in creating a document that satisfies the intended writing goals. Applies writing skills in creating a document that satisfies the intended writing goals and applies those skills as expected in the criminal justice field.
Polish and proofread documents.
Does not polish and proofread documents. Polishes and proofreads documents but errors are present in the documents. Polishes and proofreads documents. Polishes and proofreads documents and presents information in a well-organized manner.
Communicate in a manner that is consistent with the standards and expectations of criminal justice professionals.
Does not communicate in a manner that is entirely consistent with the standards and expectations of criminal justice professionals. Communicates in a manner that is not entirely consistent with the standards and expectations of criminal justice professionals. Communicates in a manner that is consistent with the standards and expectations of criminal justice professionals. Communicates in a manner that is consistent with the standards and expectations of criminal justice professionals and incorporates literature to support arguments and points.