Response to discussion post minimum 200 words

Response to discussion post minimum 200 words

You just basically responding to the student about what you felt compelling and enlightening but here is a guide if you need it

Respond to at least two of your fellow classmates with at least a 200–300 word reply about their Primary Task Response regarding items you found to be compelling and enlightening. To help you with your discussion, please consider the following questions:

  • What did you learn from your classmate’s posting?
  • What additional questions do you have after reading the posting?
  • What clarification do you need regarding the posting?
  • How would this topic be of value to you in your life or career?

Student paper down below:

I. Human Resources Management today are so different from how it was when I received my first job after college and that was 15 years ago. The main function of Human Resources back in the day was to handle personnel management solely. But, as the world of business becomes more competitive, ethically inclined and more technical the role of human resources has become more strategic (CTU 2019). Many corporations in this day and age know that human resource management is the key to the true success of their business. So, let’s define what Human Resources Management is: the policies, practices, and systems that influence employees’ behavior, attitudes, and performance (McGraw Hill 2019). Many corporations would like to see the value in which Human Resource Management brings since the bulk of most companies expenses come from their payroll.

In order to show the value of Human Resources it will require HR professional to be seen as business partners. Who are capable of developing programs centered on policies, practices and systems which support the business’ vision (CTU 2019). But, there are many barriers that HR professional may face when trying to receive a proper place at the table. Let’s take for instance; I am the newly hired HR manager for Diamond Express. Even though I come highly qualified I am still new to the Diamond Express organization so trust in my abilities are not their yet from the executive level or managers. Secondly, in the Diamond Express organization the management team has been responsible for the HR process over the year so handing the reigns over to the newly hired HR manager will be gradual. Thirdly, the perception of HR has been deemed as coming in and taking over the entire process from managers. Fourthly, as the new HR manager I realize I have no allies so stepping up to claim a place at the table may be harder to do.

II. Being a Human Resource Manager, is a position that requires taking risk and speaking out firmly to take your respective place. Many barriers that one may face as a HR Manager can be overcome from developing oneself. Being the new HR manager for Diamond Express should have no bearing on my knowledge level when it comes to knowing the business. As a highly qualified HR manager reading and researching the industry I am managing should be a first initiative in representing me as a strategic partner. As well as, understanding through the research I have already conducted that I will have to gradually develop a partnership with the managers. I will need to use that partnership to show that my efforts are to support their initiatives and gain their trust. But, mainly I will need to learn to speak their language along with understanding the internal operations that will allow me to make qualified business recommendations which entail will show the leadership true returns on investments.

III. The main reason many corporation have provided Human Resource Management a place at the table is because it has shown to enhance company performance by contributing to employee and customer satisfaction, innovation, productivity, and development of a favorable reputation in a corporation’s community (MUSE 2019).