simple process scheduling simulation.

simple process scheduling simulation.…

I want you to make a simple process scheduling simulation program and answer the following questions.




you must provide the result files of running their simulation using the test files (
for q= 1, 5, and 10. In

addition, each student should answer the following questions:

1. Examine the test files and their resulting output. What can be said about the RR scheduling algorithm? What can you say about the effect of different quantum sizes?

2. What aspect of process management did you find most difficult to implement?

3. What aspect of process management did you find easiest to implement?

4. What, if anything, would you change in your current design?

5. What, if anything, did you find interesting or surprising about process management that you did not know before doing this project?

Example Program Output:

For RR (q=3) scheduling, you might have the following output log (shown in three columns to conserve space), where the lines in italics are the echoes of the input file lines, “PID n b” means process n with burst time b remaining, and “with q left” means q time left in the current quantum. In the Wait Queue, the third number is the event ID being waited upon. (4.jpg)