Supreme Brand Social Media Following User Research Report

Supreme Brand Social Media Following User Research Report

You will conduct user research in order to understand users’ behaviors, habits, perceptions, experiences, etc. related to your organization and its content. The goal of having you do this project is to help you learn how to learn from users when designing content, especially as you think about the final project for this course, in which you will be asked to design a comprehensive content strategy.

  • Start with an overall summary of findings and then explain more by organizing findings by trends, focusing on what is most relevant to your organization/influencer/group.
  • Professionally, clearly, and directly analyze and discuss the findings of your user research. Stylistically, this report should sound objective, data-driven, and user-focused—overall, it should imitate the language of the examples provided. This report should focus on the implications of your user research for your chosen organization/group/influencer’s content strategy. Your audience shouldn’t be me, but instead your organization.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of effective and persuasive design principles

Totally Three Parts: Overview (Introduction), Trends, Recommendations, Summary

You can take a look about the interview which is the uploaded file. But please extend the content because the interview is very short.

Do not use any quote or resources because this is your user research report.

Make sure to Separate each point in Trends and Recommendations.

This is an example of the report…