TopCoder Developing Software through Crowdsourcing Article Questions

TopCoder Developing Software through Crowdsourcing Article Questions (Links to an external site.)链接到外部网站。

  1. Through developing programming contests, the TopCoder built a community of programmers. TopCoder asked established software companies to sponsor the programming contests. What were those established software companies’ incentives to sponsor the contests?
  2. What did the TopCoders do in their first attempt to generate revenue using the community of programmers?
  3. What where the five core tasks in which the TopCoder needed to excel to succeed in implementing its business model?
  4. Most of the TopCoder’s revenue was generated by consulting. What steps did the consulting services include?
  5. What resource was generated for TopCoder after developing software for clients for a while? (This resource became an important part of the company’s value proposition to its customers.)
  6. How did the TopCoder improve the consulting service to reduce costs?
  7. What where the two competition types run by the company after the improvement that resulted in cost reduction was implemented?
  8. How did the TopCoder determine winners of client software development competition?
  9. Mention the different groups of participants who composed the TopCoder community.
  10. What do you think is the single most important part of TopCoder community members’ profile?
  11. What are the motivators for becoming a community member?
  12. Briefly explain possible benefits of using TopCoder for the clients.
  13. Mention some of the concerns of clients about using TopCoder’s services.
  14. How did the TopCoder approach the resource allocation challenge?